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NATO's at risk if you go your own Huawei on 5G, US government warns Germany

hoola Silver badge

Angela Merkel, although not perfect has done a pretty good job in Germany and is proving that she has then balls to stick to fingers up to Trump.

This contrasts with Johnson, a puppet of Cummins, both with the eyes firmly off any sort of ball whilst they figure out how much money they can redirect from the tax payer into their cronies bank accounts. Top of that list is all the US pharmaceutical and healthcare providers that must be wetting themselves with excitement at the prospect of getting all the NHS money.

Even if Trump loses I cannot see much in the way of radical change here as Johnson is utterly clueless. The trouble is that once you have transitioned from public to private providers it is very difficult to get it back.

The only possibilities are that there is a leadership challenge because the Tory MPs have had enough or, heaven forbid, a vote of no confidence in the Government because they are so incompetent that even their own back benchers side with Labour.

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