Reply to post: Re: .. all the access they ask for ..

Too many staff have privileged work accounts for no good reason, reckon IT bods

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: .. all the access they ask for ..

"you wouldn't believe the amount of grief I get when I push back on changes that don't meet the security requirements" I think we all would! I feel sorry for people working in change as IT is generally hated by users for being seen as getting in the way, and change is hated by IT staff as its seen to get in the way! Its all a balance. Where I worked until the turn of the year for an enterprise MSP we made as many changes as we reasonably could in to standard changes that didn't have to go to CAB for approval and only had to be peer reviewed, this reduced the delays on stuff that really didn't need CAB approval. Also what didn't help was the fact that the people in CAB weren't that technical and didn't have a clue what half the changes entailed!

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