Reply to post: Re: Railway Lines?

Spain's highway agency is monitoring speeding hotspots using bulk phone location data


Re: Railway Lines?

A company I used to work for had tracking devices fitted to all its vehicles. The device monitors would send a message to your supervisor or manager if your speed exceeded the posted speed limit by 10%. Anything over 10% excess speed was supposed to be investigated. A colleague of mine was pulled up for a disciplinary by the manager for doing 50mph in a small residential street with a 20mph speed limit. He was puzzled and couldn't believe he'd actually done anything like that. The manager said "You were doing 50mph in wxyz street at 09:20 on 17-08-2016" Checking the date and looking at a map, it turned out that wxyz street ran close and parallel to the A2 in SE London which he'd actually been driving on at the legal speed limit.

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