Reply to post: Re: You are joking?

We're not getting back with Galileo, UK govt tells The Reg, as question marks sprout above its BS*

codejunky Silver badge

Re: You are joking?


"Try expanding your sources beyond the Daily Mail, Telegraph or Sun"

I am amused when an idiot runs out of answers they assume they know what I read. Should I assume by your comments that your source is Garfield?

"The concept that the Eurozone will fail in flames is just wishful thinking"

The concept that the Euro doesnt work is also the opinion of a designer of the Euro. It requires federalisation/fiscal transfer to work. As far as actual recorded performance it prolonged the recession and almost fell into deflation while Greece almost bankrupted the ECB. The Euro falling in flames isnt wishful thinking, it happened. To avoid ditching the new currency countries economies were sacrificed (instead of the currency taking the hit it was people).

The Euro can survive with changes. Intended changes to bring ever closer union.

"Yes there have been problems but exactly the same can be said for every currency"

UK and US bounce out of the worst recession since the great depression and the Eurozone almost gets lost in deflation. EU economic management being not to throw away the rule book but to do the exact opposite of what is known to work. Which is why they lagged years behind the recovery.

"preyed upon by currency speculators and it has emerged from those problems quite well."

Its in another crisis now (as we all are) while still suffering from the previous crises. Where the UK and US dropped unemployment to the lowest since the 70's (for the UK I believe) the Eurozone was damned screwed with figures we would never tolerate in this country.

"The "EU track record" when compared to the "Tory track record" is one I would opt for a million times - in every metric they are better than the idiots in Westminster now."

Cool, thats your opinion feel free to live under the EU (if you dont already). While those happy with the UK can live there.

"Lies and bullshit, we never paid anything to the Euro project"

Eh what, you serious? I think you just disqualified yourself there really badly.

"when the Euro becomes the primary global trading currency and the old GBP is sidelined as an irrelevance."

You know the primary global currency is the USD? You know that the EU was considering moving EUR clearing to only within EU walls which would by definition exclude it from being a global reserve currency (lucky the idiots changed their mind). That the EU has just decided it will kindly not bankrupt banks within the EU by allowing them to still access the London financial markets.

Now that is wishful thinking

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