Reply to post: Everyone Has Screwed Up

We're not getting back with Galileo, UK govt tells The Reg, as question marks sprout above its BS*

bazza Silver badge

Everyone Has Screwed Up

GPS is great, but it’s clearly the wrong solution. The EU screwed up cloning it with Galileo because it’s not a good backup (or even good in any real way either). GLONASS is simply another, and the Chinese and Japanese systems are also not good backups.

The real answer is a pivot back to terrestrial technologies like eLoran and radio clock transmitters. The problem is persuading a bunch of politicians to agree to this and standardise on it when some of them have just spent billions on a GPS clone. Plus rolling these out to developing areas is not trivial; they’re just as dependent on GPS for comms nets, but are far less able to build their own chain of terrestrial transmitters for timing and position.

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