Reply to post: Naive ?

Chinese database details 2.4 million influential people, their kids, addresses, and how to press their buttons

Big Brother

Naive ?

«Chinese intelligence, military, and security agencies use the open information environment we in open liberal democracies take for granted to target individuals and institutions.» Mr Sharwood seems for some reason to assume that so-called «open liberal democracies» (without defining the term or showing evidence that such exist in the real world) don't compile data bases with personal information on «important people» whom one would like to «influence». Either Mr Sharwood is too naive for this world - and has never heard of the NSA, Edward Joseph Snowden, Julian Paul Assange, and myriad other figures who have shown, often at great risk to themselves, that that is precisely what the really existing «open liberal democracies» do - or he is hoping that El Reg< readers are....


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