Reply to post: Re: "The kiddiwonks won't even know they're learning"

Elecrow CrowPi2: Neat way to get your boffins-to-be hooked on Linux from an early age and tinkering in no time

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "The kiddiwonks won't even know they're learning"

What you're talking about is muscle memory. In this case, you're training your body to go through the basic motions so that it comes naturally. For physical activities and especially sports, that is important, but to turn it around, what happens when you need to learn new stroke techniques like fading or drawing around the dogleg? At some point, you're going to have to move on to the more advanced stuff that also includes tactically deciding on the specific stroke and strength you need.

Meanwhile, mental activities can only be helped by rote to a limited extent. Once you get the basics down, it's time to move on to the next thing: preferably using what you just learned in a new way. You see, the Japanese and the like are sticklers for routine; they tend to do well in hum-drum, by-the-book stuff, but have difficulty when it comes to thinking outside the box.

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