Reply to post: Re: Static

He was a skater boy. We said, 'see you later, boy' – and the VAX machine mysteriously began to work as intended

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Static

my first 32K of RAM set me back around US$2,000 in 1978

When I started using computers in the early 70s core memory was approximately 1 currency unit(¹) per memory unit(²). In 1979 we were flabbergasted by the drop in price when we bought 16 kwords (16 bit words) of semiconductor memory for a PDP-11 for a mere £2000.(³)

(¹) Dollars or pounds. Pounds were worth more in those days, but the dollar/pound ripoff was even bigger than today.

(²) Bytes or words. 24 bit words for ICL 1900s.

(³) I also remember paying £2k for a 1GB 12" Winchester drive circa 1986/7.

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