Reply to post: I suppose I'd better complain ...

This is how ends, not with a bang but a blunder: Randomer swipes decommissioning domain

Andy The Hat Silver badge

I suppose I'd better complain ...

I was one of those subscribers ... very sad to see the email address disappear but that's at the whim of multinational organisations.

<Vodafone email> Reminder: Your Demon email will stop working.

Me on very protracted chatbot call: Hello Vodafone, I have an email to tell me that my Demon email will stop working.

Bugger, being a crappy Techbot it does not work in any sensible way shape or form.

Eventually, and many digital exasperation later ...

Digi Tech: I understand your problem. Hello, are you on wi-fi at the moment?

Me: err yes. Why?

Tech: Can you open a browser window and sign into the router please. 192.168 ...

Me: Why?

Tech: So I can help you with your problem.

Me: Why? My Demon domain is being stopped. What's that got to do with my router?

Tech: It's to help you keep your email working. If you can just access 192.168 ...

Me: How is signing into my router going to help? (I neglected to mention I was in lockdown away from home so it wasn't even my service ...)

Tech: We've got to change DNS settings to keep your email working ...

Me: Why? What has that got to do with my email domain being withdrawn?

Tech: If you can just sign in to ...

Me: Why? What's that got to do with my Demon email being stopped?

Tech: <no response>

At this point I suspended things and lodged a formal complaint that I felt I was being scammed by an official Vodaphone "tech" trying to gain access to my system. After a month Vodafone denied it was a problem and called it 'a misunderstanding'.

Time passes ...

<Vodafone email arrives> We can extend your licence for two months until dd/mm/yyyy. Aren't we just fab? Do you want us to?

As it happens, the domain expiry date was that date and was fully paid up so I had already penned a draft "Give me my money back and compensate me for withdrawing the use of my domain early you gits" letter. I guess someone had realised the cock-up so the draft email was filed as almost the last entry in my Demon mailbox ... sad end to nearly three decades of use ...

Many thumbs up for Demon - thumbs down in as many ways as possible for Vodafone.

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