Reply to post: Re: In other news - Intel to blame for all Windows bugs

Video encoders using Huawei chips have backdoors and bad bugs – and Chinese giant says it's not to blame

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: In other news - Intel to blame for all Windows bugs

To those saying rtfa, I say rtfa back...

" all the vulnerabilities except for the telnet flaw resided in a single executable program that's part of the software on these devices. "I'm not sure the vendors who build and sell these devices have much control over it,"

*multiple* vendors are showing the *same* flaws. If the Huawei SDK releases is unusable for a product, and there is a common intermediate Huawei "real" SDK supplier, then it is in Huawei interest to either own the sdk to a usable form or accept the brand damage. This plausible deniability crap from Huawei PR is a poor show.

If they make a "secure" SDK no vendor or customer can directly use, this is the price they must accept.

Either way this is their problem.

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