Reply to post: Re: Will you kindly stop with the "Britain alone" myth?

The Battle of Britain couldn't have been won without UK's homegrown tech innovations

Man inna barrel

Re: Will you kindly stop with the "Britain alone" myth?

Thanks for the history details. I just do not have time to read nasty stuff like Mein Kampf. It would just upset me. I am reading "The Open Society and Its Enemies", by Karl Popper. This is essential reading to prevent being infected by loony ideas. I thought I needed a booster injection.

I have been reading stuff about Nietzsche's philosophy. He had this idea of the Ubermensch, or Superior Man. This was not a new idea of his. I believe the Superior Man idea exists in Confucian philosophy. I think the Nazis particularly perfected the idea of the Untermensch, or sub-human. The push towards the East could be seen as a rational military strategy, to gain more living room, and viewing slavic people as sub-human might make that easier to sell.

The idea of the wicked Jews scheming against us does look like madness. In my very cosmopolitan part of Birmingham, I do not come across many Jews. I probably do meet Jews, but we do not make a fuss about it. I am happy with that.

The concept of the sub-human is fundamental to slavery. Slavery is the use of your fellow humans as mere beasts, like dogs or cows or horses. This is still happening.

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