Reply to post: Re: Yet another elastoplast with unexpected consequences?

Cisco’s 'intuitive security' tool can’t handle MAC address randomization out-of-the-box

DS999 Silver badge

Re: Yet another elastoplast with unexpected consequences?

Unless 'the likes of Google, Amazon, Facebook, NSA etc etc' own (of have access to) the AP you are connecting to, they're unlikely to see you MAC address

Not sure what the situation is in other countries, but in the US the default for the average consumer is to use a wifi router supplied to them by their ISP. So they can certainly link your MAC addresses to various web activity - and they could share/shell that information with Google or Facebook since the "privacy policies" US companies have are pretty much "we can share anything with our 'partners'" where 'partners' means "anyone who pays us money or gives us something of value in trade".

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