Reply to post: Re: The war is over, the empire is gone

The Battle of Britain couldn't have been won without UK's homegrown tech innovations

Adair Silver badge

Re: The war is over, the empire is gone

All those who want to believe the the 'British Empire' was a nice cuddly thing implemented and sustained by people of high principles with a burning need to encourage the well being of their fellow human beings. Whereas, in fact, the BE grew largely out of: a. the rapacious greed of people who already had more than they needed, plus those whose burning desire was to become like them; and b. the geo-political needs of maintaining an island nation just off-shore from a huge continental political mass.

Most of us don't generally like behaving like shits, so when we do we tend to try and find high-minded justifications for our shitty behaviour, whilst pursuing it. A few of us manage to step back and quite literally 'repent' of our shitty ways, and turn to leave them behind, hence John Newton's writing of 'Amazing Grace'.

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