Reply to post: Re: Have an upvote for desperate fake news

Nvidia says regulators will be 'very supportive' of $40bn Arm buy despite concerns about chip designer's independence

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Have an upvote for desperate fake news


I wouldn't normally take you seriously and answer, but seeing as you're floating some Russian state propganda out there pretending it's news - I'm going to.

I'm happy with my "almost certainly". Not only am I happy to assume that the Russian government did it, but I'm also happy to state that they want me to think they did it. And they want to be all smug and plesased with themselves that I they know that I know that they know that I know...

The bullshit from RT is only put out there to give their supporters, and the idiots who seem to persist in deciding that morality requires being anti-Western because reaons, some plausible bollocks to spout. So they don't have to accept the vaccuousness of their political positions.

If the GRU hadn't poisoned Skripal then once it was known that he'd been poisoned with high grade Russian chemical weapons - the Russian government would have launched an investigation into why those weapons had gone missing. Whereas what they actually did was spout increasing amounts of bollocks and have their UK ambassador trolling on social media. For which I'd personally have expelled him from the country, but I suppose having kicked out so many other diplomats that would have looked a bit vindictive. There would have been some cooperation with the enquiry, even if done quietly so as not to admit embarrassment - instead the GRU got caught red handed trying to hack into the independent OPCW lab that were verifying the test results from the UK.

And then they put up their two "businessmen" on telly. The ones that just happened to have sequential passport numbers, and despite hailing from Siberia - were unable to walk 10 minutes through British slush!

And now we see the same program here. Official denials, combined with trolling and a smirking, pathetic, triumphant, poking at the story so that everybody knows that not only they did it, but they're proud of themselves.

The Russian government's recent history and current actions tell me that not only they did it, but they're not unhappy for people to think that.

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