Reply to post: Re: Improving tech is bad?

Consolidating databases has significant storage benefits – and therefore everyone should be doing it

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Improving tech is bad?

"And when does the optimisation happen? When do we get to go back to make sure it's efficient? When something breaks and we have no choice."

if the bang-to-buck ratio is too low, it'll never be looked at again.

That being said, some inefficiencies can be avoided entirely by avoiding the platforms and programming lingos that tend to CREATE them. Yes, I'm talking about YOU TWO, C-Pound, JavaScript. Mostly JavaScript.

And sometimes, just doing things the old-school "shell script and POSIX utilities" way, gets things done the fastest, so you can focus on those few inefficiencies that make sense to focus on, deliver on time, stay under budget, etc.

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