Reply to post: Re: Have an upvote

Nvidia says regulators will be 'very supportive' of $40bn Arm buy despite concerns about chip designer's independence

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Have an upvote

Oi! Leave off the badgers! Partly because you'll make Brian May angry... Some of us have fond memories of Wind in the Willows. However shitweazle or stoatal arsehole are well in keeping with the themes of that book - so feel free to use those.

The problem for the wombles is that they were very nice, but not terribly efficient. Which I think is why womble is such an easy thing to add to an insult - because of the suggestion of bumbling incompetence. Plus it's an intrinsically funny sounding word.

I'm afraid it was my second thought when Navalny got poisoned. First being he was on a flight that took off in Tomsk and was forced to land in Omsk - hence becoming a rhyming journey. Then I thought of Tomsk, the womble. And only finally did I think about the poor bugger who'd been poisoned, again, almost certainly by the Russian government.

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