Reply to post: Re: Life

Howdy, er, neighbor – mind if we join you? Potential sign of life spotted in Venus's atmosphere

Anonymous Coward

Re: Life

It could mean the idea of panspermia is correct. There is no way life arose on Earth by chance. For years, boffins have tried to replicate the creation of life - they've failed

Um, what? People have been trying to replicate the origins of life for, let's say, a century in a few isolated experiments with conditions which may or may not be similar to those when life actually originated. Given the earliest plausible date for life existing on Earth, which is 4.28 billion years ago, and assuming that life started in the oceans, which formed 4.41 billion years ago, life had 130 million years to get going, and the chemical and physical environments of the entire ocean to do it in.

Come back and say something meaningful when you've run the experiments on the scale of entire oceans for 130 million years.

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