Reply to post: Re: What?

Court hearing on election security is zoombombed on 9/11 anniversary with porn, swastikas, pics of WTC attacks


Re: What?

Third point fails miserably unfortunately.

I will agree your analogy is correct but it just doesnt apply.

What actually happened is more akin to someone leaving their door open with a fat ass sign outside saying "OPEN HOUSE, PUBLIC WELCOME".

The owner then subsequently giving everyone a paintbrush and a paint can then wondering why some joker decided to paint the kitchen bright pink with green dots whilst others did no painting at all and the acutal decorators stood to one side.

Nobody is saying that everyone needs to be a computer expert just that before letting people loose with tools that have the potential to cause fuckups they should have adequate knowledge and training associated with the tools they are using. Would you give a circular saw to random person with no carpentry training/experience and tell them to go build a shed?

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