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Is Little Timmy still enthralled by his Leapfrog tablet? Maybe check he hasn't sideloaded an unrestricted OS onto it

Outer mongolian custard monster from outer space (honest)

Well, if I bought my offspring a leapfrog, and they managed to root and sideload android onto it, I'd be super impressed and helping steer their path away from the darkside in future but inspiring them to learn more. I've done some mad pointless things, because I could, not because they made logical sense to a onlooker so hats off to the sideloaders.

I gave my son a pc for xmas and he wanted admin on windows & root on the linux side, and I told him he could have them when he could work out how to get them for himself. It shouldn't be too difficult a task as there's more I could have done to stop it than I have, but he's going to have to do some research first, I'll probably regret this when I find the heating controller running doom or something in a few years ;)

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