Reply to post: Re: How can ideas be controlled?

Nvidia says regulators will be 'very supportive' of $40bn Arm buy despite concerns about chip designer's independence


Re: How can ideas be controlled?

Have you been paying any attention to how the US has been using trade embargo as an economic weapon in the last 4 years? It isn't just Jina, they are simply used as the whipping boy example for the world to understand what happens if you don't do precisely what the US wants you to do.

Worse, if you think this derangement is just part of nightmare on trump street; you need to take a step back. A non-asshole government could be elected, but the peace it inspires could be undone in 4 years by asshole-gov-pt 2 ( actually I think it is part 37 by now ). This flightiness is an underlying attribute of the USA (among others) and is a huge red flag to stable trade agreements.

The USA can't be trusted; and their form of communism permits them to use private intellectual property within their country as a weapon against the world. Either ARM has to be kept from them, or everybody needs to move to RISC-V immediately. I know where I am buying stock.

ps: any chance the UK had of wrestling control back was likely ceded by BrExit. I hope you enjoy the fish and coal.

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