Reply to post: Re: Wibble Wobbles and Letting Cats Out of Bags

Something to look forward to: Being told your child or parent was radicalized by an AI bot into believing a bonkers antisemitic conspiracy theory

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Wibble Wobbles and Letting Cats Out of Bags

Every time I see something like this I think these people lack imagination; instead of using data that creates a monster like this, why not use data that results in something a little more entertaining. ..... John Hawkins

Are you out of your tiny little mind, JH, .... and let everyone else on the planet also know how easily they have been and are still being duped and controlled by crap media tales and corrupted unimaginative leaderships basking in the rewards of a perverse and exceedingly comfortably well-off status quo elite ..... who now have a real mega problem which they cannot defeat ....... for what you have just there proposed, is eminently feasible and undeniably plausible, and some of those scurrilous aforementioned few, whom many would have thought to be have been reasonably interested in such a matter, and were so advised of the facility with readily available utilities previously, are surely to be in fear of being held liable and responsible for a whole host of considerable woes because of their wilful and/or ignorant inaction ...... rather than lauded on high because of their imaginative enabling support to future systems drivers.

It's all very well talking the talk, as is so easily done by a Cummings type ..... ..... or any wannabe bright Tom, Dick or Harry for that matter. However, walking the walk and providing the Future Imaginative Source Engine is quite another totally different kettle of fish to phish for, methinks.

:-) Land that whale of fish through phishing and trawling the internet waves, and your problems are not yet over if you do not fully understand where everything is coming from and to where it is going and what it is intelligently designed to do on a rolling, improving virtual development platform. Some mortals would tell you they are only just beginning, but then they would do that, wouldn't they.

Per Ardua ad Infinitum et ad Nauseam ad Astra ..... earns one AIMaster Pilot Wings.

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