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When Huawei leaves, the UK doesn't lead in 5G, says new report commissioned by... er... Huawei


Here's something for you to chew on: (in which it speaks of and reference-verifies the >1ms latency, 10Gb data rate at peak, etc.). That's not only within fiber range, but when we can set a latency of under 1ms from your computer to station, it significantly alters the playbook for how we handle data needing rapid response (AI for example).

And I don't work in Marketing, I work in IT. I've worked in the semiconductor industry though for over 20 years, and while I'm not a highly qualified RF engineer, I do know enough to understand why 5G is so important to both the IT world since it affects me and decisions I'll be making for our WAN in times to come, and I can recognize it as an achievement of the engineering world.

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