Reply to post: Re: Social media as common carriers

Hold on to your hats, Net Neutrality version 2 is on its way courtesy of Trump and the FCC's moves on Section 230

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Social media as common carriers

"They aren't editing content, they are simply removing content that violates an ever changing acceptable use policy."

This is the crux of the issue. Policy is being used as a shield. If you want policy to be neutral vs. editorializing as was stated earlier sunlight is the best disinfectant. Companies hiding under 230 should be required to have their stated policies published publicly, and have to also demonstrate publicly how they're policies applied to their actions. Companies should also be held accountable equally for when they fail to apply their policies. For example, violence from the left seems to be tolerated and even encouraged, yet even talking about violence from the left gets anyone else banned.

I don't think companies policing their problems is the core issue for most people who have issues with big tech companies. It's the utter unequal application of them, and overwhelmingly it seems to tilt in one stark and dramatic direction.

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