Reply to post: Re: Depends on developer

Australia starts second fight with Google, this time over whether app stores leak data, gouge devs, steal ideas and warp markets

DS999 Silver badge

Re: Depends on developer

Read their financial reports, they show margins on various lines of business.

You think all the servers and network capacity to deliver all the updates is free? The people working on the review process work for free?

You'd have a heart attack if you found out how big the cut that brick and mortar stores took for software. When Apple announced they'd be taking 30% developers were delirious with gee.

The real story is that app stores leveled the playing field between huge companies like Epic and lone developers working out of their bedroom - if they produce a good app that gets good reviews it can get equal placement alongside apps with multimillion dollar development and marketing budgets. So guess who hates the 30% cut. It isn't the little guy who gets to compete against Epic as equals.

If the current way app stores work is torn apart, I'm willing to bet that what results will disadvantage the little guy because that's the real goal of companies like Epic.

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