Reply to post: Re: Whose intelligence?

AI in the enterprise: Prepare to be disappointed – oversold but under appreciated, it can help... just not too much


Re: Whose intelligence?

Of course, humans with little experience lack intuition/gut feel too. I remember running a team with young IT engineers in the days when google had just started to become ubiquitous. They could google an exact error message and try the recommended solution, or do a reboot; but not much else. They could never answer my response to them telling me that "google hasn't come back with anything" as to what they should do next then.

The main function of intelligence is to be able to make decisions with incomplete information while recognising what biases are trying to fill in the gaps. Even if the decision is 'find out more information'.

Algorithms have biases (and errors) true AI would recognise these and counter balance them. We're a million miles away from that at the moment.

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