Reply to post: Re: Muppet politics

Help. The political process is corrupted, full of lies and state-sponsored deep fakes. Now Microsoft's to the rescue

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: Muppet politics

I do prefer to work with facts

This software, if it actually works, is something that would obviously threaten the tower of lies belonging to the Trump administration more than any other group or organisation so rather than address that you would argue that the lies are truth.

Considering you believe some people painting graffiti are "violent anarchists" because the Trump administration says so when it was just an excuse to send in unmarked federal stormtroopers, you think Antifa is an actual organisation with funding and a hierarchy instead of just people demonstrating against police brutality, you think the police are entitled to use any and all weapons on the previous flimsy pretext (you have trouble understanding a timeline of events and therefore what cause and effect are), you seem to be unable to understand that the mayor of Portland can't calm things down when there is a police force outside his control stoking things up, and your crowning argument is blurbering "Your the fuckwit", it's obvious you prefer to work with your special "alternative" facts.

I.e. you don't have a Scooby Doo. You do however have all day to repeatedly post bollocks way past the point of where normal people would stop after having their arse handed to them on a plate, time and time again.

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