Reply to post: Well the

As Amazon pulls union-buster job ads, workers describe a 'Mad Max' atmosphere – unsafe, bullying, abusive

Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

Well the

victorian industrialists would feel right at home in today's Amazon,

All it needs to be complete is housing provided by Amazon for its 'fulfillment operatives'(why can I not stop hearing the voice of Cave Johnson from the game Portal 2 when I hear that phrase from amazon) tied to having a job at the company, a nice couple of company stores , and paying the workers in scrip that can only be spent in those company stores would complete the picture (although I fear I may just have given amazon execs an idea too good to pass up....)

But in all honesty, the only reason for having a job like that in an amazon warehouse is money, and that you live paycheck to paycheck.

But I guess the old saying "If you treat people well, they'll go the extra mile for you, treat people badly and they'll do exactly whats in their contract " does not really apply anymore

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