Reply to post: Re: @jake -- Hrmmm

Zuck says Facebook made an 'operational mistake' in not taking down US militia page mid-protests. TBH the whole social network is a mistake

jake Silver badge

Re: @jake -- Hrmmm

"If Jacob Blake had been white, he wouldn't have been shot in the back 7 times at close range in front of his children."

If he had an arrest warrant out on him for sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse ... had the warrant served on him, fought with the police who served it, managed to ignore a couple tasings, declared he had a weapon, tried to get into his car (bringing his fight to three children in the car), presumably to retrieve the weapon[0] ... Then yes, he quite likely would have been shot if he were white. But you and I would never have heard of the shooting. And there would have been no protestors. Because he was white. Which is kind of my point.

[0] What would YOU have thought he was doing if you were that cop? You have a couple of milliseconds to decide, multiple other lives may be in the balance.

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