Reply to post: 100 hours... sigh... Next...

Death Stranding: Essential worker simulator unites its players amid a lockdown far worse than the real-life one

lglethal Silver badge

100 hours... sigh... Next...

This looked really interesting, beautiful, relaxing, with jumps in difficulty and pacing to keep it interesting. But I'm sorry, I'm a father with a wife who would like to spend some time with me and kids who want my attention. I just dont have the time for to spend 100 hours in a single game anymore. 20 hours is perfect, 40 I can just about handle if I'm really enjoying myself, but 100 hours. Sorry, life is too short and I have way too many other things calling for my attention.

It seems like game designers feel they need to pad out their games to such massive levels these days with so much filler. Maybe it was always this way, but boy does it feel like it's getting worse...

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