Reply to post: Are we including sabotage?

Funny, that: Handy script for wiping directories is capable of wreaking havoc beyond a miscreant's wildest dreams


Are we including sabotage?

Of a completely unfortunate accidental sort of course.

A departing employee completely accidentally left a floppy disk in their laptop, which was set as the boot drive and which by complete accident had its autoexec.bat consisting of just one command that would delete the contents of the C: drive if it was completely accidentally booted from.

The great thing about booting from a floppy is that it is the sort of thing that you can hear and stop with a magic word and a mystical gesture before it does any of that completely accidental damage for which the git knew full well I would be the one blamed.


On the confessional front, have I deleted stuff I didn't mean to delete? Yep. On the other hand I still feel the stinging lesson of a disk failure that happened the day before the dvd blanks arrived upon which the much put-off backup of said disk was to be stuck.

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