Reply to post: Re: Elon-gated kit

You Musk be joking: A mind-reading Neuralink chip in a pig's brain? Downloadable memories? Telepathy? Watch and judge for yourself

Nick Ryan Silver badge

Re: Elon-gated kit

Any astronaut sent to Mars with today's technology would arrive sickly, weak-boned, cognitively impaired and at great risk of cancer.This is not true at all... except possibly for the cognitively impaired due to the boredom and psychological problems involved in such a long journey.

"Artifial" gravity is easy to produce - a rotating element of a space vehicle will do this and is easily within the possibility of todays technology. Having gravity reduces the weak-bones and other health issues experienced by astronauts.

There are plenty of easy ways of protecting astronauts in flight from solar radiation using todays technology. Unfortunately these do tend to add a lot of mass to a space vehicle which will slow the flight down somewhat. Upon landing on Mars living in caves, whether artificial or not, would protect from most solar radiation.

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