Reply to post: Re: Excellent game

Death Stranding: Essential worker simulator unites its players amid a lockdown far worse than the real-life one

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Excellent game

I love open-world games.

I got this free with a gaming laptop I bought, first day of its Steam release

I downloaded it, loaded it. It looked really good.

I still have the TWO HOURS of gameplay on my account for it.

In that time I estimate I had control of the game for approximately 5 minutes (for reference, 2 hours of cutscenes and crap gets you to the bit where you first run out to the building near the president's base, and first encounter the aliens for real and have to get back to the base).

I got back to the base. Deleted the game. I was SO BORED.

It ran beautifully, looked gorgeous, but it just wasn't a game. I was expecting at any moment things to kick off... but in reality it just didn't, and I got bored of the "this will be it... this will be the moment... oh... no... another cutscene" events (meeting the girl in the cave, finding the base, the car crashing, meeting the president, etc. etc. etc.).

I hated virtually every minute of the "game". It wasn't a game. I'm sure it does turn into some kind of game later but I got bored waiting. It's only because it was a redeemed code that I didn't pay for why I didn't try to refund it, but I would have if I could.

I'm now having the same issue with Control (again, getting bored of just too much crap in between playing and then just a basic fight in-between cutscenes that you expect to somehow "explain" themselves and it just never happens).

I bought a gaming laptop after 8 years of having an old one and not playing any "new" titles between (everything since GTA V, basically). I thought that would mean I'd have the absolute best of gaming, on a powerful computer, ready to play and catch up on all the amazing advancements in that time.

So far, apart from Batman Arkham Knight, they're all just - literally - pretty shite.

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