Reply to post: Re: You want Equality? You get Equality.

IBM ordered to pay £22k to whistleblower and told by judges: Teach your managers what discrimination means

Juillen 1

Re: You want Equality? You get Equality.

Because one group chooses to do something. Well, nice. What you're saying is that the _choice_ of one group (and it is a choice, as evidenced by the many high powered women who sacrifice family time for the high powered roles, and the many who step back because they choose family life over work life, which is also a perfectly fine thing to do) to engage in a particular activity in a particular way should mean that rules that apply to another should not apply to them. Even if the second group also made a choice to engage in that same activity in the same way, they would be denied that flexibility, simply by nature of not belonging to that first group.

If you don't see the direct discrimination in that, then I really don't think you've considered it carefully.

It also seems you think indirect discrimination of one group is more important that direct discrimination of another.

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