Reply to post: Re: Where's the IT content?

Relying on plain-text email is a 'barrier to entry' for kernel development, says Linux Foundation board member

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: Where's the IT content?

Wha... what kind of IT are you in that doesn't have project management?

And what part is clueless? Have you tried recently submitting a patch to an open-source project that insists on plain-text email lists from a modern client? I have and it was a bit of an unexpected ritual.

Also, attributing the word "clueless" to someone with years of experience working with open-source at Google and Microsoft is rather unkind.

Edit: Before you get the wrong idea, I use plain-text email all the time -- at home and work. As I found out the hard way, no, modern clients don't format inlined patches well. And yes, it turns out there are command-line tools to send the email for you. OTOH GitHub is quite nice for submitting patches and following feedback etc IMHO...

If someone identifies a barrier to entry to a project -- particularly a project whose leader has said it's hard to find maintainers -- it's a bit shortsighted to dismiss those concerns and shoot down attempts to provide alternative means for submitting, reviewing and accepting code.

Keyword: alternative.

The exact quote is: "a text-based email-based patch system that can then also be represented in a way that developers who have grown up in the last five or ten years are more familiar with."

And to head off obvious arguments, lowering the barrier to entry doesn't mean lowering the quality. Being able to use 'git format-patch' and 'git send-email' doesn't guarantee you are a kernel-coding genius.


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