Reply to post: Re: Serve at the pleasure of King Jobs

Apple hits back at Epic, says Fortnite crew wants a 'free ride' on fees: Let the app store death match commence

Zolko Silver badge

Re: Serve at the pleasure of King Jobs

"Ford has a monopoly on Ford cars"

but not on spare-parts for Ford cars. Nor on gasoline and tyres for Ford cars. Apple has already lost the battle of independent repare houses, it will lose on this one also. Add to this the mandatory use of Apple's WebKit engine for all browsers on iOS, with Microsoft IE as precedence, they're certain to loose. They will probably loose much more, possibly to the point to having to allow sideloading of apps on iOS devices (with a warning)

What's more, the fact that the Google Play Store asks the same 30% and has booted Epic from their store at the same time is a clear sign that a monopolistic cartel is at play.

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