Reply to post: Re: Pile It Higher and Deeper

Physical locks are less hackable than digital locks, right? Maybe not: Boffins break in with a microphone

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Pile It Higher and Deeper

"Sometimes one just wants to enter a premise, take one particular item or copy one particular physical document, and leave again without a trace."

How many tries can you take? If you need lots of samples to smooth out any anomolies, you have to be nearby too often and could be noticed. If trying the lock multiple times with postulated keys will be noticed, you need to have a correct key on the first go. Maybe two tries if you are lucky.

A few pen testers with videos on YouTube say that bypassing security is generally easier than picking a lock or spending the time to file up a key by trial. The number of ways to blow right past locked doors without picking the lock is pretty amazing.

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