Reply to post: Re: @Flock of Kroes not hearing

Former HP CEO and Republican Meg Whitman – who split HP with mixed success – says Donald Trump can't run a business

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: @Flock of Kroes not hearing

"t is pretty damn silly to imagine *anything else* that will "bankrupt the country"!"

How about government employee pensions that are guaranteed to reap an 8%/P.A. return regardless of how well the fund's investments have done? How about a health care system that allows non-citizens and non-residents unlimited health care for free when that same deal is not available to native born? Unlimited immigration along with public benefits.

I do agree that military spending is off the hook and getting worse. The US does not need to have military bases on foreign soil. I'm sure the people around the bases on Okinawa wouldn't mind seeing the round eyes pack up and leave rather than brawling in local bars after 5 too many cups of Sake.

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