Reply to post: Re: It communicates the vehicle's exact location to emergency services

Oh what a feeling: New Toyotas will upload data to AWS to help create custom insurance premiums based on driver behaviour

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: It communicates the vehicle's exact location to emergency services

"From what I understand, eCall only activates when there's been an accident, "

That's fine as long as it's an independent system and there is nothing else being transmitted when it hasn't been activated. If their is a bang severe enough to set off the airbags, chances are good that you'll need emergency services. Not 100%, but a tow at least.

It's been a couple of decades since I've worked in RF, but I've been brushing up a bit. More than just talking on my 10m rig that is. The plan was to buy a used Chevy Bolt this year, but things have put that on hold. My current car is silent as a really silent thing when it comes to broadcasting.

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