Reply to post: Re: Redefine it

Space station update: Mystery tiny but growing air leak sparks search for hole

J. Cook Silver badge

Re: Redefine it

That sounds like an expensive plumber's bill, although I had to have the entire drain line from the kitchen sink to the main drain line in the front yard re-done after ~30-40 years of hot water, grease, and bog only knows what else finally ate through the cast iron part of the line. Had to have the front yard trenched, and part of the front porch saw cut. that was about 3-4 thousand US pesos. I at least got a main line cleanout plug installed in the yard for my money, so there was that.

(The previous owners were cheapsakes and did half-assed fixes whenever possible instead of paying the appropriate money and doing it right the first time. Had I known that, I would have passed on this house.)

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