Reply to post: Re: That's settled, then.

Oh what a feeling: New Toyotas will upload data to AWS to help create custom insurance premiums based on driver behaviour

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: That's settled, then.

Reports location *and* speed to Police, in plain English. Totally for automating fines, of course.

No no no.. It's to help improve road safety and reduce speed-related deaths and injuries. At least that's phase 1. Swiftly followed by road charging. Various governments have been talking about that as a way to fleece motorists for years now, but somewhat stymied by a method to implement it.

So now new cars will be fitted with the necessary hardware, and there'll be a few years of data collection to help refine charging models. Then there'll be an EU Directive, and it'll be for the good of the environment. And as it's a black box for all new cars, it covers EVs as well so they can be included in replacement tax scams to cover losses from fuel duties.

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