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Linux kernel maintainers tear Paragon a new one after firm submits read-write NTFS driver in 27,000 lines of code

the hatter

Your renderfarm doesn't need to read physical NTFS disks, you're not sharing physical disks between artists and the servers, you just need a common network FS between the farm and the artists, or even different network FSs for each side, served from the storage controllers on the network, unless you're living in some very weird microsoft-focussed company. As mentioned in the article, NTFS is going to hit a downward trend soon, paragon had all the years to share the code for their commercial macos and other products with the OSS community it would hopefully have been a positive 2-way exchange of knowledge and updates.

Instead, it feels like they want to let the OSS community take a look now and make fixes while their legacy customers still want fixes. Are they doing the same with their ReFS implementation, something new and of potential interest to the linux community ? Doesn't look like it, the new toys are just for paragon's eyes.

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