Reply to post: Take a look over the pond

Dido 'Queen of Carnage' Harding to lead UK's Institute for Health Protection because Test and Trace went so well

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Take a look over the pond

This is Florida, the blue line is testing and the red line is daily cases.

They've cut testing to make the case numbers look lower. If you test less, you get fewer positives, says Trump, and Florida is doing exactly that.

The change corresponds with the switch from CDC receiving the States data to the HHS receiving the data. Presumably they didn't want Fauci pointing out that they were cutting testing to bring the numbers down. Their deception intentionally kills people, infected people go undetected and spread the virus killing others. That's Ron DeSantis killing those people, but its not just a single Republican. It's an organized strategy.

It's not just Florida, its all the way through Republican states:

Utah, Republican, again see the correlation

Mississippi, Republican, see the correlation:

Texas Republican, see the correlation:

Ohio Republican, see the correlation:

Vermont, Democrat for comparison. In Vermont they *increase* the testing even as the cases fall.

This is why the apparent fall in daily cases was dramatically more in red states than blue states. It's not real, its a Republican political dirty trick. Who cares if Red state voters die, as long as the numbers look better in red states! They think.

The 'Wave 2' USA peak is a fake, it's still rising. Let's suppose that the peak was actually real, at 70,000 cases a day, it would be approximately 2x the wave 1 peak. There were 140,000 deaths from Wave 1, which implies 280,000 deaths minimum from wave 2. i.e. a total of 420,000 deaths, but it will be more, because they're hiding the infections.

So what about the dead? With all the bodies piling up, how will they hide the dead?

Well Florida again, they're undercounting Covid 19 deaths and classifying them as Pneumonia, heart attack or other symptom.

The current outcomes for Corona virus are 6% dead and 5.6 million cases.

If you let them intentionally spread it, through schools to families, spread it through churches to worshippers, spread it through stadiums to sports fans, then you can potentially infect 50 or 100 million Americans, 3 million to 6 million dead Americans.

So turn off Fox News, and its quacks, and liars and anti-vaxxers, unsubscribe from your Russian propaganda Facebook Karen groups, wear your masks, sanitize your hands, and hope these Republicans don't try to profiteer from the vaccine.

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