Reply to post: Re: That's settled, then.

Oh what a feeling: New Toyotas will upload data to AWS to help create custom insurance premiums based on driver behaviour

Shadow Systems

Re: That's settled, then.

As I mentioned in my original post, until you're 100% certain that the broadcasting bit is not also a critical subsystem of some other component that must be functioning in order for the car to function, you can't risk cutting wires.

Say the device is linked to the auto-apply-brakes-in-an-emergency system & if it can't call home to verify that you've paid your license fee, it auto-locks the brakes until you've paid your extortion/"insurance premium".

Wrapping it in a Faraday cage may be the only way to disallow the transmission of data, but make sure it's something that can be undone so you don't trigger any issues if ever taking the car in for service.

"It looks like someone's cut the wires to $Device. We're sorry but we can't work on this car & have to report you to the police. Stay still Citizen, those nice young men in their clean white HazMat suits will be along shortly to drag you off to a reeducation camp. Have a nice day!"


Ok, so I'm paranoid. Leave me alone, my dried frog pills are getting stale...

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