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Imagine surviving WW3, rebuilding computers, opening up GitHub's underground vault just to relive JavaScript

Grinning Bandicoot

Back in the days when digital was which finger was used to move the beads on the abaci a short post apocalyptic story where visiting aliens come upon a site that was that was deemed by them as a holy site. In the investigation of these relics a flat circular metal container is found that rattles. The science staff after many checks and tests find the source of the rattle is an inner spool of some type. The challenge of what was on the spool is met and at an all-hands it is demonstrated. There is much discussion as to the meaning of what they and what they significance of the end where one of the characters pops into view and symbols "that's all folks' appears

Could not it pass up since the description of the storage location matches the story and a shaggy dog was needed to break the serious mood.

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