Reply to post: Re: So, let me get this straight

Where there's a .mil, there's Huawei: Pentagon allowed to keep using Chinese tech deemed too dangerous for everyone else – report

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: So, let me get this straight

Sorry to add to my own reply, but one must always remember the military is its own entity, and will survive as they always have, regardless of the current political leader, they will always looking out for themselves. .... chivo243

Imagining and realising the military is as just another client to offer overwhelming business opportunities to, .... and one that can have themselves looked out for,..... has all nation states and any wannabe lone tinpot star non-state actors systemically vulnerable to exploitation from within novel AI developments. And such is apparently of grave global security concern if one is to believe all of the hyperventilating hype being given to problems being admitted persist in a defensive preemptive strike attacking arsenal which does not exist in Currently Earthed SCADA Systems, that is, at least not existing for normal human leverage and activation.

It is though not all doom and gloom for there are just as many, if not considerably more future treats readily available, as there are present persistent active cyber threats to investigate and try render ineffective and phantom, with the following submission being just the tip of one of those titanic icebergs ......

amanfromMars [2008151623] ....... just saying about elsewhere commenting on

Here's some evidence in defence and agreement with the proposition ..... a whole new ball game is in play. .......

2008151502 ..... having a chat on

A current quantum communication running use case of artificial intelligence capabilities that support efforts to improve the department’s “back office” business processes and systems.  ...... a ripe plum investment opportunity for/with DOD leverage virtually guaranteed in Leading Future Programs. Universal Presentations. ........

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