Reply to post: Re: "Hardware as a 'service'."

Cisco to sell everything-as-a-service – even core networking hardware – and cut costs by a billion bucks

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: "Hardware as a 'service'."

Is leasing by any other name, with all the disadvantages of lock in that entails.

I don't get how this will help either Cisco's channel, or hit their $1bn savings. I'm guessing it'll be something like the car business, where manufacturers sell to their finance companies, who lease to users. So if this means Cisco will sell tin to FinCo, who'll then lease to.. releasers, who then pass the lease on to the end users. And then what will happen to used tin once the lease expires. Cisco's never been very keen on allowing used tin, and nor would many end-users.. But the way Cisco's turned assets into liabilities has never been very customer friendly.

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