Reply to post: Re: Cisco As a Service

Cisco to sell everything-as-a-service – even core networking hardware – and cut costs by a billion bucks

Mike 137 Silver badge

Re: Cisco As a Service

"Stop paying and your switch/router goes dumb"

or your firewall stops working (let's just hope it blocks all rather than opening wide).

As so many subscription services are constantly showing, they make running a business fragile. The only beneficiaries are the vendors, who get a constant revenue stream. Furthermore, as "upgrades" (both hardware and software) become an automatic part of the deal, there's even less incentive to get them right as they can be swapped out instead of fixed if proved faulty. So we progress another step towards infrastructure collapse in the name of profit (for some).

I remember when both Cisco and Netgear provided rock solid technologies. Not any more.

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