Reply to post: Re: There’s a quote:

Steve Wozniak at 70: Here's to the bloke behind Apple who wasn't a complete... turtleneck


Re: There’s a quote:

While the Heathkit H11 may have been more technically advanced, two issues were largely responsible for limiting it's potential. Number one: it was a kit computer which at the time was not out of the ordinary, but was "the old way". Number two: cost, for as much work as one had to put into assembly, it was expensive. It could be purchased assembled for even more.

The Apple ][ was about the same cost, but was plug and play by standards of the day.

The Apple II series played a significant role in my career development. I really dug into low level technical aspects. I learned a lot studying the details. In a roundabout way Woz was a mentor of mine. My uncle beat him to the punch though, introducing me to electronics (tube/valve and solid state), a Timex Sinclair 1000, and a Bally programmable home game system whilst I was in the 3 bit age range.

Thank you Mister Wozniak for your contributions to the personal computer revolution. I hope your birthday observation was a happy one.

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