Reply to post: Re: Don't go to space til we sort out Earth

Rocket Lab to bounce back from July's orbital fail with bulging payloads and parachuting Electrons


Re: Don't go to space til we sort out Earth

Not wrecked beyond hope. Under a constant state of change, with a grim future. We humans create a lot of change intentionality & unintentionally, we just need to learn to control it better on a large scale.

To quote musk or one of those futurist types, when asked "when do you think we'll have the technology to terraform Mars?" they replied, "We already do. We're already actively terraforming Earth, just unintentionally. And without direction, since the end result may be an environment that's completely uninhabitable for humans."

Don't give up just yet. We went down this path by accident, but with new & better technology we may be able to not only stop the damage being done, but also reverse it.

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