Reply to post: Re: Ban all Homonyms!

NASA to stop using names like 'Eskimo Nebula' and 're-examine' what it calls cosmic objects


Re: Ban all Homonyms!

(Deity or non deity of your choice) it's much worse than that! Have you looked at Pi or any other irrational numbers - they go on for ever, don't stop and have lots of sequences in them.... So converting them to ASCII or similar code will lead to all sorts of unacceptable statements - not just "Brown Bears Bugger Badgers" (it is late at night so forgive me) but who knows what!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need an immediate government funded committee to immediately produce an initial report of the potential danger sequences in Pi and other irrational numbers. Then we must remove this outrageous sexist (oh bugger it I can't be arsed to cover all the irrational descriptions here) bits. If this causes minor inconveniences then the human race (is that racist?) or merely specist, must reprogram all of our systems to cope with it.

Owning a slide rule or a book of log tables with this in must now become a capital offence, subsequent convictions must become a severe repeat offence and treated appropriately (did Jesus own a slide rule?).

Anything is better than the inherent injustice in irrational numbers.

Delete and rejoice.

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